Devil in the Detail


People would often ask Christopher in the shop: 'What is the difference between the Christopher Hanlon® brand and others on the market...' And before he could respond they would say: 'It looks like a GLOBAL brand.' The answer is simple. The brand has neither a major corporate affiliation nor any secret corporate ownership (whatsoever). The House of Hanlon® does not employ hundreds of people to work on their products by contrast; as each bag is made essentially by one or two craftsmen plus Christopher himself. A labour of LOVE. The higher cost of the product is directly attributable to this. Exorbitant Australian labour costs based on their specialized production runs of 1 (Bespoke), 5, 10 or 15 (Limited Edition) and 25 (CH®Sport launching 2025) means the finished retail product must be more expensive in order to cover costs (given their distribution exclusivity and therefore the relatively small amount of money they generate as a company). By contrast to this artisan business model, large design companies may post billions of dollars in profit as they can produce and distribute hundreds of thousands of one design. However, there is nothing that makes a fashionista feel so good as a beautifully crafted leather bag; sustainably fashioned by people who love their craft with simple hand skills that tell a story of thoughtful craftsmanship. So please enjoy these small artisanal fruits of their ethical labours. After all, it’s the real Australian McCoy. FAIR DINKUM

– Sarah Cohen